If you notice that the Popular tab isn’t showing the modes that you might expect, please be patient with us as we tune the feature to present the best collection of modes that we can. Feral Stampede Ravage effect now lasts 10 sec, up from 8 sec. Since these new features are being used by the public for the first time, we may need to make adjustments to how the Popular tab chooses its modes. Druid Balance Dreamstate Rank 1 now restores 15 of your total mana, up from 10. The world is an unfair, unjust, uncaring place, get used to it. (If it isn’t filled out, the share code itself is displayed instead.) QUICK: Lets all make a list of complaints about the PTR while the WoW Forums are down.

Creators are encouraged to reupload their modes with Mode Name filled out. This Mode Name will be used to represent modes in the Custom Game Browser tabs. He estimates that it should become available to players sometime before 12 pm PST tomorrow, Friday, March 11.
In order to help identify modes, we’ve added a new Mode Name setting right above the Description in Custom Game Settings. In a post on the official forums, Aggrend announced that the TBC Classic PTR for patch 2.5.4, including the Zul'Aman raid and phase 4 content, will be temporarily going down. We've also added the ability to search for lobbies by share code. Finally, the All Games tab gives you the standard, familiar list of lobbies. The Recent tab shows modes that you have recently played. The Favorites tab lets you build a personal collection of modes - just select the star icon next to any mode you’d like to see in this list.

The Popular tab shows off some of the most-played modes as well as modes that have started to trend. The Custom Game Browser’s new tabs give these modes a chance to shine. With Twitter integration, garrison updates, the new heirloom management system, and more, there are lots of features worth exploring. Previously, it was difficult for players to keep track of the ever-growing collection of player-created game modes. Patch 6.1 is introducing some exciting new content, and Blizzard is opening up the Public Test Realm (PTR) for you to try it out.