When saved to a SD card, the VC game is saved in a file named "private/wii/title/XXXX/content.bin", where XXXX is the four-character name of the game, as described above. Virtual Console, therefore remaining mostly unaltered, and can be purchased from the Wii Shop Channel or Nintendo eShop for between 5 Wii Points (Wii), US2.99 and US9.99 (3DS) and US4.99 and US9.99 (Wii U) depending on system, rarity, and/or demand.
#Wii virtual console wads ntsc portable
The 3DS Virtual Console mostly focused on portable games in the past, having compatibility for GameBoy. It added the feature of save states to the games, allowing for you to create a restore point and go back to it. The rom file extension must be in '.bin'. The 3DS Virtual Console continued on from the idea of the Virtual Console introduced in the Nintendo Wii, but expanded on it. Strong Bads Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 3 - Baddest Of The Bands.wad. Strong Bads Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 2 - Strong Badia The Free.wad. You can tell by checking the size of the file and seeing if the last digit has an odd number. Strong Bads Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner.wad. The 'J' tells us it's a SNES game, followed by 'AC' which tells us this is probably the third game released for the SNES and the 'E' tells us it's a USA release. This makes them perfect for injecting custom ROMs in, as PAL60 uses the same number of lines and refresh rate as NTSC. The folder for F-Zero (USA) is named JACE. N: Import games (confirmed in Japeness imports in US) M: Import games (confirmed for Japaness imports in Europe) P : Europe (and other PAL regions such as Australia) For non-Wii games, it is incremented from AA to AZ, then A0 to A9, BA to BZ and so on for Wii games, it is often an abbreviation of the game name (e.g. The second and third char is the game identifier. H : Wii channels (Only for saved channels, not VC) The first character tells us what system the ROM belongs to. The folders in which the Virtual Console files (content.bin) are saved have systematic, four-character names. 3.3 Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).